
Frequently Asked Questions

Medical School Fair is an organization that aims to provide PreMedical Students across US and Canada options for their Medical Education. We hold our events right on campus and partner with a local organization (like AMSA/PreMed Club) to help us promote our events to our very niche audience.
MSF initially aimed to attract Medical Schools from around the world to help them recruit US and Canadian students hence the name IMSF. Our audience is primarily undergraduate students currently studying in the US/Canada who are interested in pursuing a career in Medicine/Healthcare. Our audience are mainly US/Canadian citizens and not International Students.We are now in the process of rebranding to just The Medical School Fair as we are getting more US Medical Schools to attend our events. 
Out of 5,000+ students that have attended our events from Sep.2024-Nov. 2024:
17% – 4th Year Undergraduate Students
34% – 3rd Year Undergraduate Students
38% – 1st and 2nd Yr Undergraduate Students
8% –  Graduate Students
3% – High School students
13% – of all attendees have already taken the MCAT
We average between 250-300 students at every event. Every single student that comes to The Medical School Fair is interested in pursuing Medicine/Healthcare which means all students you will meet are “qualified” leads. At the end of every event, you will also have access to the registration list.
We value meaningful conversations and this is why we limit the exhibitors to a maximum of 30 tables(we have an average of 20 exhibitors per event). This allows our students to not rush to see you to hit all the schools they want to visit. 
Warren Ison – Managing Director: info@msfevent.com